Oh the wonders of teaching…

Hello all my fellow teacher friends!

My name is Debbie I. and I am a 3 year going on 4th year elementary general education teacher. I have taught Pre-k for one year and did two years in kindergarten. In my short time there I have met many wonderful new people, have established lasting friendships, and have been deeply touched by many of my wonderful students. On the flip side though, I have also learned about the hard truths and realities that come with being a teacher; and realized that one thing that we all love to do is bitch and complain about our work and the crazy things that we are forced to do.

First of all, it is so much dam work! Work, work, work all the freaking time. There is not one second of the day when you are not thinking of what you can do for your students to help them be successful. May I also add, God bless Pinterest! Pinterest is my best friend; I am constantly pinning things that will one day soon make their way to my classroom. And if they don’t at least they will be forever saved in my comfortable little board on my phone.

Second, what is up with our administrators’ people! If you have a wonderful administrator that you worship the ground they walk on, then thank your lucky stars because that is not always the case. My principal asked us kindergarten teachers in a meeting once that why do we teach letters in kindergarten. We were all so dumbfounded that there was no reply from any of us. We were so quiet and giving her the “you bitch” look you could hear the crickets chirping.  I mean come on! Seriously! You’re going to ask that? Might as well not even acknowledge the fact that we are there. Whose kindergarten and why are there so many kids?

Lastly, what is up with all these bitchy and just plain mean ladies that I work with. I work at the elementary school level so there is estrogen floating around every corner in that building. We have some testosterone that floats through from time to time but never enough to give us a good balance. I feel that the unbalance makes us want to throw each other under the bus the second we get a chance to. Plus, what is the point of talking bad about one another? Can’t we all just get along, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya? The world would be a much better place.

So, to conclude, this is why I decided that instead of bitching to my coworkers and them bitching to me about our masochistic, horrible love-hate relationship with work I would write about it and spread the word to the world of teachers to get everyone’s input. I also would love to hear about your day to day dilemmas, this is a safe place for us to vent, cry, laugh, and support one another besides, I can’t be the only one with these thoughts? Right? Please don’t let me be the only one… At the end of the day though; no matter how much we “hate it” we go back day after day and teach our little hearts out because we do truly love what we do.